By Patrick Avenell

Several former Retravision Queensland members left that buying shortly before the unification announcement to join Betta Electrical, part of the rival Narta Group. This is one of several revelations by the proposed CEO of the new Retravision Australia, Paul Holt, in an exclusive interview with Appliance Retailer magazine.

“There are a small number of members who have made that decision some months ago in the Queensland business,” Holt told Appliance Retailer. “Quite frankly, that decision had been taken by the people involved prior to our unification announcement and that’s their call.”

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Holt also said that although Retravision would be one of the last retailers to launch online sales, he did not think this development would be too little too late.

“Given the brand heritage of our business, given the spread of our business, given the fact we’ve still got the buying power of a $1 billion organisation, our view is absolutely not [too late to launch].

“Our view is we’ve still got a really good opportunity to add a point of difference to our business that will delight our customers in a way that others have started to do. I don’t think we’re too late.

“If you look at how ill-developed the online business is in Australia today, it’s nowhere near where it’s arrived in Europe, for instance, or the States. We still see a very, very big opportunity.”

The full interview with Paul Holt is in the April issue of Appliance Retailer magazine.