Extensive review by consumer campaigner initiates action.

The UK Government is calling on manufacturers to join a steering group to help improve product safety recalls, according to local media, after an extensive review by consumer, Lynn Wood, was set in motion by the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS).

Anna Soubry

Business Minister, Anna Soubry (pictured) said, “Consumers deserve the assurance that if they buy a product that turns out to be unsafe, this can quickly be rectified. The Government places a high value on consumer safety, but industry also has a crucial role to play in protecting consumers.”

“The Government cannot act alone. Everyone with an interest in the recall system needs to play their part and we will work to oversee and support this.”

The Government will also support the development of a business-led online website that will communicate information to consumers and allow companies to share best practice based on past experience in managing recalls.

Electrical Safety First has expressed its support for the proposal as director general Phil Buckle said, “We are delighted this long-awaited review has finally been published and offers recommendations we have long called for. We have been raising awareness of the safety issues presented by dangerous recalled electrical goods – millions of which still exist in homes – for several years.”