Delivers premium culinary experience.

AEG was host to an intimate industry event held at Marque restaurant in Sydney’s eastern suburbs with restaurant owner and AEG ambassador, Mark Best (pictured below). The company presented the new Tasteology documentary that sets out to uncover how to achieve cooking results that are multisensory, sustainable, nutritional and tasteful.

The four-episode series invited attendees on a culinary journey around the world to gain inspiration and knowledge. The series is a snapshot of four different aspects of taste: source, chill, heat and experience. Each episode of the documentary is dedicated to one of these steps, digging into culinary traditions and unconventional innovations.

Mark Best 2

Electrolux managing director, Mike Putt said, “The ambition with the series is to guide the viewer to new paths in the search for the ultimate taste experience. It’s about finding new ways to cook and eat food. Hands-on cooking tips are mixed with cultural, societal and scientific reflections.”

“AEG’s mission is to look beyond recipes and cooking methods, to explore different aspects and levels of taste, which is where this documentary series has come from. AEG wants to inspire customers to take taste further, that’s why we are devoted to share cutting-edge insights, ideas and deliver the best appliances to achieve an ever greater taste.”

AEG Event

Marque Restaurant in Surry Hills

The content team travelled to a variety of destinations across the globe for almost a year, collecting insights from the world’s premier taste experts. These experts include ‘the father of molecular gastronomy’ Hervé This who invented ‘the perfect egg’, food waste activist Tristram Stuart who wants to change society’s attitude towards wasting food, and the famous Instagrammer Chef Jaques la Merde who makes beautiful plate creations out of food from the nearest petrol station.

View the Tasteology series documentary here.