By Martin Vedris
SYDNEY: It’s arguably the world’s most popular motoring show, two of its biggest starts will be televising it live from Sydney in February and Navman secured the sponsorship deal.
Top Gear Live, a live version of the popular BBC television show featuring Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond, will be filmed in Sydney from February 5 to 8, 2009.
It will be a 75 minute live show and fans will be able to join stars of the show, Jeremy Clarkson and Richard Hammond, as they attempt to create the chemistry live.
“We’ve turned your motoring television show into the most spectacular motoring theatre show in the universe,” said Clarkson.
“We’ll be taking all the best bits of top gear, and ambitiously attempting them live in our action arena.”
Navman will lever a wide range of promotions off the TV exposure and association with the popular show.
The company said it plans a wide range of promotional opportunities, from consumer competitions to retailer incentives; as well as promotion of its sponsorship through an advertising campaign already underway.
Tickets to the show are selling quickly, many to interstate visitors, and the broadcast is expected to reach more than 60,000 Top Gear fans.
“We’re thrilled to be involved with such a dynamic and fun event,” says Navman Australia & New Zealand marketing director Wendy Hammond.
“Our sponsorship also includes significant display area at Acer Arena for Navman so we can showcase the new range, direct customers to our retailers and make sure they ask for Navman.”