Furthering its commitment to the environment and sustainability, 100% of Epson’s electricity used at all of its Australian and New Zealand offices and company sites has now been certified under the Australian GreenPower and New Zealand Energy Certification System (NZECS).

Epson Australia managing director, Craig Heckenberg explained, “In our renewed Environmental Vision established in 2021, Epson made a firm commitment to achieve carbon negative and be underground resource free by 2050.

“We have set targets to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in our operations and value chain, aligning with the 1.5°C scenario of the Paris Agreement and the criteria of the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). By 2025, our aim is to reduce scope 1 and 2 greenhouse gas emissions by 34% compared to FY2017 levels. To achieve this, renewable electricity is a top priority in our decarbonisation strategy.”

Epson Australia head office in Sydney’s Macquarie Park.

Epson also joined RE100, a global initiative that brings together businesses driving the transition to 100% renewable electricity. Since joining RE100, the company announced in March 2021 that its worldwide group sites will all receive their electricity needs from 100% renewable energy sources by 2023.

This transition to 100% renewable electricity by Epson Australia is in line and ahead of Epson’s goal of converting to 100% renewable electricity worldwide by 2023.

Epson Australia environment and sustainability manager, Fatida Un added, “Sourcing 100% renewable electricity will significantly reduce Epson’s annual carbon emissions, enabling us to report zero market-based Scope 2 electricity emissions. This decision drives investment in renewable energy projects and supports the global transition to a sustainable, low-carbon future.”

Epson purchased certified renewable energy through its electricity retailers. The certified renewable energy products are part of Australia’s GreenPower program and the New Zealand Energy Certificate System (NZECS).