Thanks to unique feature.
Samsung’s AddWash washing machine range has won an Innovation Excellence Award from Canstar Blue. The washing machines allow users to add forgotten or extra laundry once a wash cycle has started without having to open the ‘main’ door. Consumers can simply pause the cycle and open the convenient Add Door on the front of the machine to add items to the wash.
The AddWash door can be opened at any time when the drum temperature is below 50°C. This feature is available across a range of different models and size capacity machines, including some wash and dryer combos.
“The best innovations are those which identify a problem and then solve it,” Canstar Blue head, Megan Doyle said. “Samsung has resolved a dilemma that has always been with owners of front-loading washing machines – what to do when the wash has started but you find extra items you’d like to add.
“More than 40 appliances were considered by our expert judging panel, from some of the biggest brands in the world, and this was one of just four to be awarded. Congratulations to Samsung for developing an innovation that will certainly make the lives of consumers that little bit easier.”
Samsung Australia head of product of home appliances, Mike Lilly commented, “We are delighted our AddWash washing machines have been recognised for excellence in innovation.”
“The AddWash design was inspired by insight gained from Australians through research and development into how Samsung appliances could respond to everyday household needs. It’s an example of Australian inspired innovation which addresses a key consumer pain point for front load washing machine owners – consumers can now add missed or forgotten pieces of clothing or extra fabric softener during the wash cycle.”
“AddWash offers category innovation that changes the way front load owners can use their machines. We have offered consumers a convenience previously reserved for top load users. That is, the ability to add items during the wash without having to restart it,” he said.