To stay ahead of the curve.

The Winning Group has completed a successful roll-out of Manhattan’s supply chain commerce solutions as part of a business transformation project. The Manhattan technology optimises order fulfilment processes across The Winning Group’s omni-channel retail operations, delivers margin improvements via a flexible and streamlined distribution approach and enables ongoing business growth.

Winning Group CEO, John Winning told Appliance Retailer: “We constantly strive to lift the standard of service available for our customers, and delivery is a key focus, as its execution is vital to the user experience. To scale for future growth and increase the capability of our delivery offering, we chose to implement Manhattan SCALE.”

Winnings Rosehill Warehouse

Winning Group warehouse in Sydney’s Rosehill

“Over the last 18 months, the solution has been rolled out across warehouses in Adelaide, Sydney, Perth, Brisbane and Victoria. Both our retail offering and the businesses of our Handy Crew third party logistics service have benefitted from this improvement to our system. We continue to push improvements to our operations to make sure that we remain the leader in B2C deliveries in Australia,” he said.

Winning Group chief logistics officer, Alan Lewis further commented, “Today’s consumers want a great brand experience. Not only do customers expect state-of-the-art appliances, they typically want all items – let’s say for a kitchen refurbishment – to be available in the same brand, style and finish and to be delivered and fitted on the same day. We aim to deliver a high level of customer experience across every business and channel of the Group so that the experience is unified and seamless.”

“What does that mean for our operational teams? On the front end, it’s about integrating web analytics, point of sale information and phone interactions so we have a single view of the customer and their shopping and order fulfilment preferences. On the back end, it’s about having a single, accurate view of inventory, and having robust and flexible distribution processes in place, so we can get goods into the hands of consumers in a way that’s convenient for them at the same time as being profitable for the business,” Lewis continued.

Manhattan Associates managing director for Australia and New Zealand, Raghav Sibal commented, “Manhattan’s technologies provide retailers like The Winning Group with a strategic solution that accelerates their journey to omni-channel retailing maturity. We are confident our solutions will strengthen customer loyalty and boost the company’s top and bottom lines whilst ensuring continued success for The Winning Group well into the future.”